Bowl For Kids Sake
Bowl for Kids’ Sake Saturday, March 23rd, 2024
Bowl for Kids’ Sake is Big Brothers Big Sisters’ premier fun-raising event, where people like you get together with friends, family, and co-workers to raise money and have a fun time bowling in support of Big Brothers Big Sisters evidence-based free mentoring programs here in our Wood Buffalo community. The event is an easy way for individuals and companies to make an impact on the local community – it only takes a little bit of effort to raise the money that is essential to our program’s success. Fundraising teams collect donations and then celebrate their success by attending on Saturday, March 23rd at The Alley YMM from 2-9:30pm!
An event after party will be hosted at The Alley YMM from 7-10pm. Each team participating will receive a voucher for a free pizza that can be redeemed when you attend.
Every dollar raised stays locally. When a young person a has a mentor, the odds they will be emotionally, socially & physically healthy increases drastically. When we have healthy young people in our community, everyone benefits.
Teams consist of 4-6 players, and we encourage teams to have a goal of collecting $500.00 in pledges. Teams can choose a bowling time slot, which is first come first serve. Teams are asked to dress up and the best dressed will win a prize, with other prizes to be won throughout the event. Connect with or call the office to secure your spot!
To enroll a team visit our Canada Helps platform:
Need help? Look at our Bowl for Kids’ Sake Bowlers Fundraising Guide
Are you interested in being a sponsor for this event? Please connect with or call our office to speak to Julie to discuss how you can contribute to helping us raising funds towards the mentoring movement.
Have questions regarding Bowl for Kids’ Sake? Please contact us at 780-791-2447 or via email at
Thank you to our sponsors who have contributed to Bowl For Kids Sake 2024!

Shoe Sponsor
Other Sponsorships

Kinsmen Club of Fort McMurray and Kinette Club of Fort McMurray